Although said in jest, this one is as plausible an explanation as any others I have seen!
for those claiming to be the biblical christ-messiah, you are wrong.
i am the christ!
and, i can prove it.. ----.
Although said in jest, this one is as plausible an explanation as any others I have seen!
i think freddy in this talk shows how delusional he is and was.
to know all this stuff and still feel that the organization has the truth gives truth a new meaning..
may your faith be strengthed in god's earthly organization right up to the final end!.
I tried to listen to this one, but after approximately 40 seconds, I became so violently sick that I had to give it away!
a publisher in a congregation doesn't represent the watchtower organisation (due to legal reasons/insurance etc) .
they just represent themselves as individuals.
so why are publishers supposed to hand in their reports to the congregation/wts?
There is nothing like trying to have it both ways!
- individual publishers are expected to jump when the GB says jump.
- yet when quizzed about who is directing this activity, they are expected to say that it is a "personal" ministry.
Imagine if it WAS a "personal ministry". No territory maps, no Field Service Groups, no WTS dress code, no end-of-month Field Service Reports required, publishers free to present whatever literature they saw fit to use, "Bible Studies" using just the bible (or whichever bible study aid an individual publisher decided was most appropriate) . The beloved Watchtower Society would dearly love all that!
"Personal Ministry" all-right, next thing they will be trying to tell us the tooth fairy exists!
for example, they pride themselves in what they don't believe such as immortal souls, the trinity, hellfire, etc.. some exjws still believe it is the "truth" and support the basics.. .
Like many others, I found out the hard way to trust nothing that lot ever said, or put into print.
Anything ever written by the WTS - unless corroborated from another source - I would automatically dismiss out of hand as being fictitious (or at the very best, misleading).
jehovah's witnesses don't have a message.
they have an alternate lifestyle.. for persons put off by teachings of eternal torment they offer eternal sleep or a paradise earth.. for christians disaffected by tepid sermons and rituals they offer a vital lifesaving field service ministry.. in a world saturated in sex and exhibitionism, loud rude music and apathy they offer modesty of dress, cleanliness and worldwide family.. they are seen by the world much the same way as the amish only more modern.. people find their teaching quaint or laughable but think they are sincere and eager for postive change.. .
this is a brand more than a religion.. when the average person looks at jw's they see loyalty.
The operative word here is "appear"!
i know there are numerous examples of crazy, whacked out stuff that the wtbts taught that most of here now realize were just that...... crazy and whacked......... but do you know how insane some of the stuff in that original 1961 bible was?.
I might be going against the grain here in saying this, but I was actually quite impressed with the thing when I first encountered it.
When my newly-converted JW grandmother gave me one as a present back in 1964, the mainstream churches were still using the King James version - and the archaic English in that used to put a lot of people off, including me.
At least the "Witnesses' bible" was written in modern English (little did I know!)
on my way in to work this morning (saturday), at 6:05 am on a commercial business street in chicago, i saw two sisters and a brother bundled up in winter clothes and doing "street work.
" it wasn't that cold, so i guess they started even earlier when they needed their scarf and gloves.
there was absolutely nobody else walking and all the businesses were closed.
If this world was really facing an imminent catastrophe, like the JWs are supposed to believe, then they would need to use more effective means of warning the public than standing on an empty street with a couple of magazines at some impossibly early time of the morning.
They would instead more likely be using similar methods to those used by our local emergency services whenever there is a bushfire alert;
- i.e. Warnings firstly broadcast over the Radio and TV, then evacuation warnings sounded out from the loud hailers on the emergency service vehicles.
This, too, is what would be done if any other imminent catastrophe was really going to happen:
- resorting to any other means of sounding a "warning" is an admission by default that the event you are warning about is not actually going to happen after all!
if you have your eyes and ears open and can put 2 and 2 together, you have like many of us, have figured out that there is an impending financial collapse in the united states.
the type of financial collapse that likely has never been seen.. whether you believe this is being done intentionally by global power hungry groups bent on bringing us to our knees, in order to push their agenda, or whether it is being done out of carelessness and stupidity is hardly relevant at this point.. the writing is on the wall.
experts (and all who want to) can see it , high level officials expect it, and are already implementing the contingencies that are needed in order handle the civil unrest that will ensue.
I can recall how they liked to point to the case of Germany, following WWII.
With its economy wrecked at the end of that war, unemployment and hardship was the order of the day into the early 1950s. It was during those years that the Dubs experienced considerable growth in that country.
However, as the German "Economic Miracle" kicked in through the '50s and '60s, this changed. Hand in hand with growing prosperity, what the WTS likes to describe as "apathy" set in.
In describing those events, the WTS was as good as saying outright that theirs is a religion which thrives on economic hardship.
i ask this because the wt always bangs on about if you trust in jehovah and make that leap into pioneering, you will always be provided for.
at the time i joined the cult, a friend was continuous aux.
I plead guilty to that one!
After starting as a "Regular Pioneer", I was very quickly on the bones of my @$$ - and there I stayed! My non-JW father saw through all this, noting that there were "plenty of wealthy ones amongst you - who stay that way because they like it." However, that only stoked my already well developed typical JW persecution complex even further, and I took no heed of him (unfortunately).
i am from the era of the babylon book, and all the wt predictions that the churches of christendom would "dry up".
the book babylone the great has fallen god's kingdom rules, said people would leave the churches of christendom, in droves and the ministers would have no more people in their churches while "god's organization" would see a tremendous increase, a huge overflowing great crowd, all streaming into the watchtower and coming to the "faithful and discreet slave" for instructions.
thirty years ago there were six million jw's , today after the "great increase", and " great crowd" is now ?
"Why did we waste our time and our lives believing all those lies?
I wish I knew."
My sentiments, exactly!!!!!